2. Non-Official Publications.
Adder//// (Sir C. B.), Colonial Policy and History. 8. London, 1870.
Bagehot (Walter), The English. Constitution. 8. London. 186(5.
Baker (Col. Valentine), Army Reform. 8. London, 1869.
Baxter (Dudley), National Income. 8. London, 1868.
Baxter (Dudley), The Taxation of the United Kingdom. 8. London, 1869.
Broom (H.), Constitutional Law. 8. London, 1866.
Burrows (Montagu), Constitutional Progress. 8. London, 1869.
Clodc (C. M.), The Military Forces of the Crown. 2 vols. 8. London, 1869-70.
Coke (E.), Institutes of the Laws of England. 2 vols. 8. London, 1823.
Disraeli (Rt. Hon. B.), Speeches on Parliamentary Reform. S. London, 1867.
Fawcett (Henry). Manual of Political Economy. 3rd ed. 8. London, 1870.
Gladstone (Rt. Hon. W. E.), Speeches on Parliamentary Reform. 8. London, 1866.
Godkin (James), The Land War in Ireland. 8. London, 187<>.
Head (Sir Francis), The Royal Engineer. 8. London, 1870.
Hcarn (W. E.), The Government of England. 8. London, 1870.
Hunt (Robert), Mineral Statistics of the United Kingdom. 8. Loudon, 1870.
Irving (Joseph), Annals of our Time. 8. London, 1869.
Jevons (W. Stanley), The Coal Question. 8. London, 1866.
May (Thomas Erskine), Constitutional History of England. 2 vols. 8. London, 1861-63.
May (Thomas Erskine). Treatise on the Law. Privileges, ecc. of Parliament. 8. London, 1844.
Mill (John Stuart), Chapters on the Irish Land Question. 8, London, 1870.
Noble (John), Fiscal Legislation, 1842-65. 8. London, 1867.
Palgrave (Francis Turner), The House of Commons. 8. London 1869.
Reed (Edward J.), Our Iron-clad Ships. 8. London, 1869.
Scott (Sir S.), The British Army. 2 vols. 8. London, 1868.
Stephens (A. J.), New Commentaries on the Laws of England. 4 vols. S. London. 1868.
Todd (AL), On Parliamentary Government in England. 2 vols. 8. London,