3. Adoption of a resolution by the Spanish Cortes providing that the king to be elected must have the votes of an absolute majority of all the deputies.
6. Dissolution of the Mexican Congress, on refusing to provide for the financial exigencies of the Government.
10. Seizure of a war steamer of the Netherlands by the President of Venezuela.
15. Appointment by the President of the United States of a new Attorney-General.
18. Resignation of the whole Belgian ministry.
21. Popular outbreak at Tien-tsin, China, and murder of the French consul and all French residents.
25. Abdication of ex-Queen Isabel II. of Spain signed at Paris.
27. Death of the Earl of Clarendon, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
30. Rejection by the Senate of the United States of a Treaty concluded by the President for the annexation of San Domingo.
30. Declaration of the President of the Council of Ministers in the French Legislative Body that 'at no epoch was the peace of Europe more assured: irritating questions nowhere exist, and all the European
cabinets understand that treaties should be maintained.'July.
rejected by the Legislative Body by 174 against 31 votes.
3. Announcement by the President of the Spanish Council of Ministers that Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen has accepted, pending election by the Cortes, the offer of the crown of Spain.
6. Declaration of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Legislative Body that France 'cannot suffer a foreign power to place a prince upon the throne of Charles V., and that, should such event happen, the government will know how to do its duty without hesitation or weakness.'
11. Withdrawal of Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen from the candidacy to the throne of Spain.
12. Declaration by the President of the Council of Ministers of France that 'peace is now assured.'
15. Declaration that war against Prussia has been resolved upon made by the President of the Council of Ministers in the French Legislative Body. Demand for the production of documents justifying the
decision of the Government rejected by 164 against 83 votes.