The composition of the permanent army was as follows at the end of 1869 :—
16 regiments of the line, each of 3 battalions 28,304
10 battalions of Jager infantry 5,870
10 regiments of cavalry, each of 5 squadrons 7,290
52 batteries of artillery, with train 6,361
10 companies of engineers, with train 1,212
4 companies of sanitary troops 624
6 detachments of victualling troops 288
Total strength of permanent army .
The army of reserve, in course of re-organisation in 1868-9, numbered about 30,000 men. Though nominally in existence throughout the kingdom, the third division of the armed forces, the Landwehr, is practically to be found only in a few of the larger towns of the kingdom. By the treaties of November 1870, the command of the army of Bavaria is left in time of peace to the King.
The kingdom embraces an area of 29,347 English square miles, with a population, in 1867, of 4,824,421. By a treaty dated August 22, 1866, two strips of territory in Upper and Lower Franconia, embracing an area of 291 square miles, with 32,976 inhabitants, had to be ceded to Prussia. Bavaria is divided, for administrative purposes, into eight Kreise, or circles, of the following extent and population, according to the two last triennial census returns, taken in accordance with the regulations of the Zollverein, of December, 1864, and of December, 1867:—
Area in English square miles
Population in 1864
Population in 1867
Upper Bavaria Lower Bavaria . Palatinate (Rheinpfalz) Upper Palatinate Upper Franconia Middle Franconia Lower Franconia Suabia
6,614 4,113 2,206 4,198 2.226 2,798 3,334 3,858
818,485 583,959 625,157 490,292 527,647 562,826 617,819 581,255
827,669 594,511 626,066 491.295 535,060 579.688 584,972 585,160
Total . 29,347 4,807,440 4,824,421
The increase of population in the kingdom has been comparatively small within the last half-century, as shown in the subjoined table, which gives the result of each census taken in Bavaria since the
introduction of the triennial system:—