Constitution and Government'
The present Constitution of Bavaria dates from May 25, 1818 ; but various modifications were introduced in 1848-9. The Crown is hereditary in the male line. To the king belongs the sole executive power ; but his ministers are responsible for all his acts. The legislative functions are exercised jointly by the king and Par- liament, the latter consisting of an Upper and a Lower House. The Upper House — Chamber of ' Reichsriithe,' or councillors of the realm — is formed of the princes of the royal family, the crown dignitaries, the archbishops, and the heads of certain old noble families, all these being hereditary members ; to which are added a Roman Catholic bishop and a Protestant clergyman nominated by the king, and an unlimited number of other members appointed by the Crown. The Lower House, or Chamber of Representatives, consists of deputies of towns and universities, and various religious corporations. To be a deputy, it is necessary to be past thirty, and to be in possession of an assured income, from funds, a trade, or profession ; to be on the electoral lists, it is required to be twenty-five years of age, and to be rated at a minimum of ten florins, or 16s. Sd. per annum. The representation of the country is calculated at the rate of one deputy to 7,000 families, or about 35,000 souls, of the whole popu- lation.
The executive is carried on, in the name of the king, by a ' Staatsrath,' or Council of State, consisting of seven members, besides three princes of the blood-royal ; and the Ministry of State, divided into seven departments, namely : —
1. The Ministry of the Royal House and of Foreign Affairs. — Count Otto von Bray-Steinburg, appointed Minister of the Royal House and of Foreign Affairs, March 8, 1870.
2. The Ministry of Justice. — Dr. von Liitz, formerly private secre- tary to the king, appointed September 15, 1867.
o. The Ministry of the Interior. — Peter von Brawn, appointed December 20, 1870.
4. The Ministry of Education and Ecclesiastical Affairs. — Dr. von Liitz, appointed ad interim December 20, 1869.
5. The Ministry of Finance. — Adolf von Pfretzscher, appointed July 1, 1866.
6. The Ministry of Commerce and Public Works. — Dr. Gustaf von Senior, appointed August 1, 1866.
7. The War Department. — General Baron Sigmund von Prankh,
appointed August 1, 1866.