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The census of 1867 gives the average density of the population at 176 per English square mile. The variation, however, is con- siderable — the density being highest in the manufacturing district of DiAsseldorf, in the Ehine province, where it is nearly four times the average, and smallest in the district of Koslin, Pomerania, where it amounts but to three-fifths of the average. There is a great number of towns, most of them of very limited population, spread all over the kingdom. The ten largest of them, at the census of 1867, were Berlin, with 702,437; Breslau, with 171,926; Cologne, or Kbln, with 125,172; Kbnigsberg, with 106,296; Danzig, with 89,311; Magdeburg, with 78,552; Frankfort-on-the-Main, with 78,277; Hanover, with 73,979; Stettin, with 73,714; and Aix- la-Chapelle, or Aachen, with 68,178 inhabitants. About one-half, or twelve millions of the population of the kingdom, are engaged in agriculture, as sole or chief occupation, while nearly five millions possess landed property. Large estates, as a rule, are only to be found in the eastern and least populated provinces of the monarchy, while in the central and western portions land is often extremely subdivided. A cadastral survey taken in 1858, showed the exist- ence of 1,099,000 land owners possessing each less than five morgen, or 34^ acres.
Trade and Industry.
The direct trade of Prussia with foreign countries is carried on mainly through the ports on the Baltic, and the amount of exports and imports shipped through harbours on the North Sea is com- paratively unimportant. However, a large portion of exports from, and imports into the kingdom pass in transit through Hamburg and Bremen, on which account the returns of them appear much smaller than they are in reality.
The direct commercial intercourse of Prussia, exclusive of Schles- wig-Holstein and the former kingdom of Hanover, with the United Kingdom is exhibited in the subjoined tabular statement, showing the value of the exports from Prussia to the United Kingdom, and of the imports of British and Irish produce into Prussia in the five years 1865 to 1869 : —
Exports from Prussia to Great Britain
Imports of British Home Produce into Prussia
1865 1866 1867 1868 1869
& 6,126,205 6,866,751 7,383,619 7,320,410 6,117,352
& 2,102,714 1,800,412 2,879,380 3,069.237