National debt bearing interest — continued First loan of 1859, at 5 per eent. Second loan of 18-59 „ Loan of 1862 „ of 1864 First loan of 1867 Second loan of 1867 . Third loan of 1S67 Fourth loan of 1867 . First loan of 1868 Second loan of 1868
Total national debt bearing interest
2. National debt not bearing interest : —
Bank notes called ' Kaesen-Anweisungen ' Floating debt, called ' Schatz-An.weisungen '
Total national debt not bearing interest ..
Thaler 518,050 ,611,800 565,200 627,900 343,600 934,400 718,375 000.000 ,706,600 ,396,100
3. Provincial and railway debt: — Provincial loans . Loans for State railways
Total of provincial and railway debt
Total debt of the kingdom in 1870
- 326,447,025
Thaler 18,250,000 12,835,000
31,085,000 £4,662,750
20,393,802 £3,059,070
377,925,827 £56,688,874
The charges for interest and management of the national debt amounted to 15,096,363 thaler, or 3,764,4542., in the year 1870. There was set aside in the same period as sinking fund the *um of 6,918,187 thaler, or 1<037,728Z.
On the enlargement of Prussia over its former limits, in 1866, it was arranged that the annexed slates should, provisionally, only bear the burthen of the liabilities that had been incurred in their behalf, and that the incorporation of these debts with that of the kingdom at large should take plaee at some future period. This had not been done at the commencement of 1869, when the debts of the annexed provinces amounted to —
Thaler Former kingdom of Kanover .... 21,096,291
Electorate of Hesse-Cassel Duchy of Nassau
,, of Schleswig Hoi stein Landgraviato of Hesse-Hombnrg Free City of Frankfort-on-the-Maiine
Total debt of annexed provinces