House of Charlemagne.
Karl, ' Der Grosse ' . . 800-814
Ludwig, ' Der Fromme ' . 814-840
Lot bar I. 840-855
Ludwig I. . . . 855-876
Karl, ' Der Kahle ' . . 876-877
Ludwig II. . . . 877-881
Karl, 'Der Dicke' . . 881-887
Amulf .... 887-899
Ludwig III., ' Das Kind ' 899-91 1
House of Franc onia. Konradl. . . . 912-918
House of Saxony. Heinrieh, 'Der Vogelsteller' 919-936 Otto, ' Der Grosse ' . . 936-973 Otto II. ... 973-983
Otto III. . . . 983-1002
Heinrieh II. . . . 1002-1024
House of Franconia. Konrad II. . 1024-1039
Heinrieh III. . . . 1039-1056 Heinrieh IV. . . . 1056-1106 Heinrieh V. . . . 1106-1125
House of Saxony. Lotharll. . . . 1125-1137
House of Hohenstavfen. Konrad III. . . . 1138-1152 Friedrich L, 'Barbarossa' 1152-1190 Heinrieh VI. . . . 1190-1197 Philipp . . . 1198-1208
Otto IV. ... 1208-1218
Friedrich II. . . . 1218-1250 Konrad IV. . . . 1250-1254
House of Habsburg. Rudolf I. . . . 1273-1291
Adolf .... 1292-1298 Albert I. 1298-1308
House of Luxemburg. Heinrieh VII. . . . 1308-1313 Ludwig IV. . . . 1314-1347 Karl IV. . . . 1347-1378
Wenceslaus . . . 1378-1400 Robert .... 1400-1410 Jodoeus .... 1410-1411 Sigismund . . . 1411-1437
House of Habsburg.
Albert II. . . . 1438-1439
Friedrich III. . . . 1440-1493
Maximilian I. . .1493-1519
Karl V. . . . 1519-1556
Ferdinand I. . . . 1556-1564
Maximilian II. . .1564-1576
Rudolf II. . . .1576-1612
Matthias , . . 1612-1619
Ferdinand II. . . . 1619-1637
Ferdinand III. . . 1637-1657
Leopold I. 1657-1705
Joseph I. . . . 1705-1711
Karl VI. . . .1711-1740
Karl VII. . . . 1742-1745
House of Habsburg -Lorraine. Franz 1 1745-1765
Joseph II. Leopold II Franz II.
Wilhelm I
. 1765-1790 . 1790-1792 . 1792-1806
House of Hohenzollern.
. 1870
The average duration of reign of the fifty-four Emperors of Germany enumerated in the preceding list was upwards of sixteen years.
Constitution and Government.
The Germanic Empire, reconstructed in 1870, as a result of the union created in successfully repelling French invasion, grew out of the North German Confederation, established alter the war of I860 between Austria and Prussia, which ended in the expulsion of the former from the Confederation, leaving the latter as the ruling power in Germany. Pending their union under one government, the states of the Empire were ranged, provisionally, under two
groups, as North Germany, and South Germany. North Germany,