Weights and Measures.
The Gramme
Kilogramme Quint <il Metrique Tonniau ,, . Litre, Liquid Measure
Hectolitre / Li( l uid Measur e
\ Dry Measure Metre .... Kilometre
= 15 - 434 grains troy.
= 2-205 lbs. avoirdupois.
= 220
= 2200
= 176 Imperial pints.
= 22 „ gallons.
= 2'75 Imperial bushels.
= 3-28 feet or 39-37 inches.
= 1093 yards, or nearly 5 furlongs, or | mile.
„ Metre Cube^ = 35 . 31 cubic feet .
„ btere j
„ Hectare = 2-47 acres.
„ Kilometre Carre = 247 acres, or 2| K.C. to 1 square
The Gramme, that is the weight, in vacuo, of a Cubic Centimetre of dis- tilled water at a temperature of 392 degrees Fahrenheit, or 4 degrees Centi- grade, is the unit of weight. It is equal to 15'432349 grains Troy. The Gramme has for its subdivisions the Decigramme, or 10th of a Gramme ; the Centigramme, or 100th of a Gramme; and the Milligramme, or 1000th of a Gramme. In trade and commerce, the weights most frequently used are the Kilogramme, of 1,000 Grammes; the Metrical Quintal, of 100 Kilogrammes; and the Tonneau Metrique, of 1,000 Kilogrammes. To facilitate the transac- tions of the shop and the market the use of the non-decimal Half-Litre and Double-Litre, and the Half -Decilitre and Double-Decilitre, are sanctioned by law, and these, with the Litre, are the chief measures in daily use. The English value of the Litre may be roughly stated at If Imperial pints.
Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning France.
1. Official Publications.
Annuaire du Ministere de l'Agriculture, du Commerce et des Travaux Publics, pour l'Annee 1870. Paris, 1870.
Annuaire Militaire de l'Empire Francais, pour l'Annee 1870, publie par le Ministers de la Guerre. 8. Paris, 1870.
Bulletin des Lois. Imprim. Imperiale. Paris, 1870.
Bulletin Administratif de l'lnstruction Publique. Paris, 1870.
Bulletin officiel du Ministere de l'lnterieur. Paris, 1870.
Circulaires et Instructions officielles relatives a l'lnstruction Publique. 8. Paris, 1870.
Compte General de 1' Administration de la Justice criminelle en France, pre- sents a Sa Majeste l'Empereur par le Garde des t?ceaux, ministre de la justice. 4. Paris, 1870.
Commerce de la France. Documents statistiques reunis par 1' Administration des Douanes. 4. Paris, 1870.
Minis! ere des Finances : Comptes Gencraux de l'Administration des Finances.
Paris, 1870.