had an advantage over Edward in age and experience.
Blanchard said the next day, “Well, Ned, it’s a try-out between you and Wallace.”
That was good news to Edward; so long as he could still make a fight for the place he was happy.
On the other hand, when it became apparent to Wallace that he was not to have the vacancy without a contest and that he might not have it at all, he could not quite hide his disappointment. For two years he had been a substitute on the team; and he had assumed that this autumn—his last chance—he would be subjected to no competition.
But he accepted the unpleasant necessity more philosophically and with a better grace than did Durant, who had a praiseworthy interest in his success. Durant grumbled a good deal; he said that Crashaw might be all right in a year or two, but that now he was too young and green.
About ten days before the St. John’s game Durant went to Blanchard.