brought Stearns rushing down from third base to field it; he gathered it up all right and flung it on the run to Keating. It was a wild low throw; Keating stretched for it and scooped it from the ground and then fell prone, but he had managed to hold his foot on the base just long enough. “Out!” cried the umpire, and St. Timothy’s clapped their first baseman for his plucky catch.
But Morton had gone to third base on the play, and was now creeping back and forth on the third-base line, impatient to get home.
Crowell, who tapped the plate with his bat, had struck out once before; but this time he hit the second ball pitched safely into right field, and Morton scored. The next batter went out on an easy fly to Keating; and with the score two to nothing against them, St. Timothy’s went to bat.
It was the weak end of their batting list, and yet the inning opened auspiciously. Dinsmore at short-stop fumbled Warren’s grounder and let him reach first base. Stearns tapped