But the crew awakened their greatest enthusiasm and received instant recognition.
“Crew, hey, crew!” was the cry, taken up by one St. John’s boy after another, and finally shouted by all together. “Crew, crew, crew!”
There was great clapping, and the crew men took off their hats with the red hatbands and saluted politely.
Edward caught a glimpse of his brother Charles in the top row on the steps, and Charles, catching Edward’s eye, thrust out his elbows and chest and gave a burlesque imitation of a cake-walk.
The procession passed and swung out behind the dormitories into the road to the athletic field a quarter of a mile away. Already the St. Timothy’s nine was on the field practising; and as soon as the procession was marshalled to its place back of the first-base line, Durant, stepping out in front, hushed the band and called for the first great cheer for the nine.
Just after that, the infield gave a demon-