at the same moment; then in full possession of the puck again, he charged out into the middle of the field and made for St. Timothy’s goal.
“Look at him hike along!” cried Keating.
Edward was indeed thrilled; his brother was surely skating faster than anybody on that rink had ever skated; the others were all racing after him, yet all of them were losing distance, not gaining it.
Bell rushed at him from coverpoint, but just as the collision was imminent Charles swerved, with the puck still in the crook of his hockey-stick, and then, having eliminated Bell from his path, he made furiously at the goal. Wallace, spreading himself out in it, made a convulsive effort, but the puck whizzed by a foot from his stick and once more the score was tied.
“Rah, rah, rah, St. John’s!” shouted the St. John’s Sixth Form, who were gathered together on the farther side of the rink. Then individually they called out their congratulations to Charles:—
“Great run, Charley! Do it again! You’ve got their nerve!”