of them sweep down the ice with that fine vigorous singing of their skates, and then sharply wheel on a flank movement as some daring and deft opponent twitched aside the puck they were pursuing. It was all so brisk and spirited and changing, that it made the steady pull on the chest-weights and rowing-machines and the jog-trot on the empty roads seem monotonous.
The sun setting beyond the pines which fringed the shore burnished the ice with warm bronze and golden tints; on two afternoons Edward thought he had never seen anything more gorgeous than that glow with all those swift and agile figures flashing about in it, sparkling with their own bright colors, their red jerseys and white sweaters and caps of different hues. He was sure then that to play hockey as the School team played it, as Charles played it, must give one the greatest joy, the most triumphant feeling in life; he was more than ever sure that it must be wonderful to be Charles!
On the morning of Washington’s Birthday, Edward was tobogganing with Lawrence and