time to time, examine seriously what fruits they derive from this best of all graces; and if they find that
they are so unhappy as to be less fervent in prayer, more remiss in the performance of their duties, and that their hearts are less united to God, they must use their utmost endeavors to recover their former fervor, or refrain from communicating so frequently. St. Augustine says, that to approach this sacrament with an affection for venial sins, is more injurious than beneficial; and that we will have to render a severe account of such communions at the tribunal of our Lord. Besides being detached from venial sin, we should keep ourselves, as much as possible, in the presence of God, and frequently raise our hearts to him: we are not worthy to receive our Lord so often, when we think of him but seldom, and when we neglect to entertain ourselves often with him in prayer. Cultivate then the spirit of an interior life, if you desire to reap the fruit of your frequent communions; and do not lose in dissipation the inestimable treasure you have acquired at the holy table, where you received the Bread of heaven, which gives that supernatural life so incompatible with a life of dissipation. Love God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself; multiply sincere acts of the love of your God, and seek opportunities to manifest this love.
The following, or similar Aspirations, may be used whilst preparing for Communion.
O MY blessed Mother, obtain for me some portion of those virtues which made thee so agreeable to