Arraeoreqsrous 31
. , . I come back from this method ot doubtful evolution to the more inc*sive method of Mahatma Gandhi! I can Sce that he COBB at the very root or the disease. He is hke a surgeon per. iorrning an operation rather than a physician administering Soothing drugs. And a¤ b·s surgeon’s knife cuts deep, we can see at once the recovery of the patient beginning to take plaoe·—the recovery of self-respect and manhood and independence ........... . Such personalities as that ot Mahatma Gandhi which can inspire a whole nation are rare indeed in human history. RABINDRANATH TAGORE " The secret of Gandhi’s success lies in his dynamic spiritual strength and incessant selbeacrifioe. Many public men make sacrifices for selfish reasons It is a sort of investment that yields handsome dividends. Gandhi is altogether different. He is unique in his nomhty. His very lite is another name tor sacrifice. He sacrifice itself. "He covels no power, no position, no wealth, no name and no lame. Offer him the throne of all India, he will refuse to sit on it, but will sell the jewels and distribute the money among the needy. " Give him all the money America possesses, and he will certainly refuse to accept it, unless to be given away tor a worthy cause for the uplift oi humanity. " His soul is perpetually anxious to give and he expects absolutely nothing in return-not even thanks. This is no ex- aggeration, for I know him well. "He came to our school at Bolpur and lived with us lor some time. His power of sacmfice becomes all the more irresistible because it is wedded with his Paramount fearlessness. "Emperors and Mahan-njas, guns and baycnets, imprisonments and tortures, insults and injuries, even death ltselt, can never daunt the spirit ot Gandhi. _ " His is a liberated soul. If any one strangles me, I shall bg crying tor help ; but it Gandhi were strangled, I am sure he would not cry. He may laugh at his strangler; and rl he has to die, he will die smiling. " His simplicity ot life is childlike, his adherence to truth is unflinching; his love for mankind is positive and aggressive. He has what is known as the Cnrist spirit. The longer (know from the better I like him It is needles for me to say that this great man is destined to play a prominent part in moulding the future ot the world." [" Such. a. great mon. deserves to be better ktowe in the wirld. Why don’t you make him. hnown, you are cz world-jigure ?" asked the interviewer. Tagore said, 2-]