17. No fees will be charged either against students or candi- dates but parents or members themselves will be expected to con- tribute as much as they can towards the expenses of the Ashram. ยท MISCELLANEOUS The management will be controlled solely by the managers. The chief manager will control all admissions. The expenses of conducting the Ashram are being met from moneys already receiv- ed by the chief manager and being received from friends who are more or less believers in this Ashram. The Ashram is situated in 2 houses on the banks of the Sabarmati, Ahmedabad. It is expect- ed that in a few months about 100 acres of ground will be acquired for locating the Ashram thereon. Ncmrom Visitors are requested during their stay at the Ashram to observe as nearly as possible the rules of the Ashram. Every endeavour will be made to make them comfonable; but they will confer upon the management a favour if they will bring with them their bedding and eating utensils. Those parents who intend send- ing their children to the Ashram are advised to visit the Ashram. No children will be admitted without being thoroughly examined as to their mental and moral condition.