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· 3. Children may not be permitted tc visit their patents until the whole course of study is dnished. 4. Students will be taught to observe all the vows observable by the managers. 5. They will be taught principles of religion, agriculture, hand loom weaving and literature. 6. Literary knowledge will be imparted through the respective vernaculars of the students and will include History, Geography, Mathematics, Economics. etc., learning of Sanskrit. Hindi and at least one Dcavidian Vernacular is obligatory. 7. English will be taught as a second language. , 8. They will be taught Urdu, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu and A Devanagirl characters. 9, Managers believe that the whole course will be completed in ten years. Upon reaching the age of majority, students will be given the option of taking the vows referred to in section 1 or retire from the Ashram, if its programme has not commended itself to them. 10. This option they will exercise when no longer they will require the assistance of their parents or other guardians. 11. Every endeavour will be made *0 teach the student! from the very beginning not to have the fear, " what shall I do tor my maiutena noe if and when I become an independent man." 12. Grown up persons also may be admitted as students. 13. Ae a rule the simplest and the same style of clothing will be worn by all. 14. Food will be simple. Ohillies will be excluded altogether and no condiments will_be used generally except salt. pepper arid turmeric. Milk and its products being a hindrance to a celebate life and mill: being often a cause of tuberculosis, and having the · earns stimulating qualities as meat will be most sparingly used if at all. Food will be served thrice. In it dried and fresh fruits will be liberally used. All in the Ashram will be taught principles of Flvnignm 15. There will be no vacation in this Ashram and no holidays as a rule, but during IQ days per week the ordinary routine will be altered and students will have leisure to attend to their private personaljwork. 16. During 3 months in the year those whose health permits {will be enabled to travel mostly on foot in the different parts of ndie.