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the fear of kings, people, caste, families, thieves, robbersi fero- cious animals such as tigers and even death. A truly fearless man will detend himself against others by truth-force or soul- force. 4 Vmamounens " It is the belief of the managers that no nation can make real progress by abandoning its own languages; they will, therefore, train themselves through the medium of their respec- tive vernaculars and as they desire to be on terms of intimacy with their brethren from all parts of India, they will learn the chief Indian languages, and as Sanskrit is the key to all the Indian languages, they will learn that also. . HAND Laeoun Managers believe that body labour is a duty imposed hy nature upon mankind. We may, therefore, resort to bodily labour alone for our sustenance and use our mental and spiritual powers for the common good only, and as the largest percentage in the world lives upon agriculture, managers will devote some part of their time to working on the land : and when such is not possible, perform some other bodily labour. HAND Looms . Managers believe that one of the chief causes of poverty in the land is the virtual disappearance of cottonĀ·sptnning wheels and hand looms. They will, therefore, make a great eEort to revive this industry by working upon hand looms themselves. POLITICS Politics, economic progress. etc., are not considered to be inde- pendent branches of learning but that they are all rooted inreligion. An snort will, therefore, be made to learn Politics, Economics. Social Reform. etc., iu a religious spirit, and workin connection with these matters will be taken up by the managers with energy and devotion. (2) Oeunrnamns Those who are desirous of follcwing cut the foregoing pro- gramme but are not able immediately to take the necessary vows may be admitted as candidates. It is obligatory upon them to conform to the observances referred to above, though they do not take the vows, whilst they are in the Ashram and .they will occupy the status of managers, when they are able to take the necessary vows. r (3) Bmunmmrs 1. Any children whether boys crfgirls from Qfour year!] and upwards may be admitted. 2. Parents will have to surrender all control over their children.