too impure and too selfish as yet to resort to an arms:} conflict in the cause of God as Shaukat Ali would say, °Wi|l a purified India ever need to draw the sword?' And it was the definite process of purification we commenced last year at Calcutta. What must we then do ? Surely remain non-violent and yet strong enough to offer as many willing victims as the Government may require for imprisonment. Our work must continue with clock-work regularity. Each province must elect its own succession of leaders. Lalaji has set a brilliant example by making all the necessary arrangements. The chairman and the secretary must he given in each province emergency powers. The executive committees must be the smallest possible. Every Congressman must be a volunteer. Whilst we must not avoid arrest we must not provoke it by giving unnecessary offence. We must vigorously prosecute the Swadeshi campaign till we are fully organised for the manufacture of all the hand-spun Khadi we require and have brought about a complete boy cott of foreign cloth. We must hold the Congress at any cost inspitc of the arrest of every one of the leaders unless thc Gnvern· ment dissolve it by force. And if we are neither cowed down nor provoked to violence but are able to continue national work, we have certainly attained Svvaraj. For no power on earth can stop the onward march of a peaceful, determined and godly people.