loom. The latter cannot be introduced in every home, whereas the former can, and it used to be so even a century ago. It was driven out not by economic pressure but by force deliberately used as can be proved from authentic records. The restoration, therefore, of the spinning wheel solves the economic problem of India at astroke. Iknow that you are alover of India, and that you are deeply interested in the economic and moral uplift of my country. I know too that you have great influence. I would like to enlist it on behalf of the spinning wheel. It is the most effective force for introducing successful Cooperative Societigg Without honest oo·operat1on of the millions, the enter- prise can never be successful, and as it is already prov· ing a means of weaning thousands of women from z life of shame, it is as moral an instrument as it in economic. I hope you will not allow yourself to be prejudicec by ahytlnsng you might have heard about my strange views about machinery- I have nothihg to say againg the development of any other industry in India bg means of machinery, hut I do say that to supply India with cloth either manufactured outside or inside througl gigantic Malls is an eeonomie blunder of the first magni· tude just as it would be to supply cheap bread througl huge bakeries established in the chief centres in Indil and to desfro3 the family stove.