to discard the error of untouchability, for Hindus and Mussalmans to shed enmity and accept heart friendship as an eternal factcr of national life, for all to adopt the Oharkha as the only universal means of attaining India's economic salvation, and finally for all to believe that India’s freedom lies only through non-voilenoe and no· other method. Definite, intelligent and free adoption by the nation of this programme I hold as the attainment of the substance. The symbol, thc transfer of power, is sure to follow. even as the seed truly laid must develop into a tree. The reader will thus perceive, that what I accident- ally stated to friends for the first time in Pocna and then repeated to others was but a confession of my imper- fections and an expression of my feeling of unworthiness for the great cause which for the time being I seem to be leading. I have enuneiated no doctrine of despair. On the contrary I have felt never so sanguine as I do at the time of writing that we will gain the substance during this year. I have stated at the same time as a practical idealist, that I should no more feel worthy to lead a cause which I might feel myself diflident of handling. The doctrine of labouring without attachment as much a relentless pursuit of truth as a retraoing after discovery of error and a renunciation of leadership without a pang after discovery of unworthiness. I have but shadowed forth my intense longing to lose myself in the Eternal and become merely a lump of clay in the Potter’s divine hands so that my service may become more certain because uninterrupted by the haser self in me.