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These 'Indiana have now spread all oyer South

Africa, Natal which is governed by a Legislative Assembly consisting of 37 members elected by the voters, a Legislative Council consisting of 11 members nominat- ed by the Governor who represents bha Queeut and a movable Mmisbry consisting of 5 members, contains a European population of 50>000, a nabive population of 400,000, and an Indian population of 51,000. Of the 51,000 Indians about 16,000 are at present serving their indenture, 30,000 are those that have completed their indenture, and are now variously engaged as domestic servants, gardeners, hawkars and pet&y traders and about 5,000 ara those who emigrated to tha Colony on their own aoaounb and are either traders, shop-keepers, assistants or hawkers, A few are &Uo school-masters, interpreters and clerks.

The self-governing Colony of Lue Cape of Good Hope has, I believe, an Indian population of about 10,000 con- sisting of traders, hawkers and labourers, Ics total population is nearly 1,500,000 of whom not more than 400,000 are Europeans. The rest are natives of the country and Malaya.

The Souto African Republic of tbj Transvaal which is governed by two eleosive Chambers called the Vol- ksraad and an Executive with the President at its head has an Indian population of about 5,000 of whom about 200 are traders with liquidated asset* amounting to nearly 100000, Tbe rest are hawkers and waiters or household servants, the latter baing men from thig Presidency* Its white population is estimated at roughly 120,000 and the Kitfir population ati roughly 650,000. This Republic is subject to the Qieen's suzerainty. And -there is a convention between Great Britain and th&

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