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cl Government we shall not he able to devote two thousand million rupees which we should require for finding education for all the children of school-going age. It follows, therefore, that our children must he made to pay in 'labour' partly or wholly for the cost of all the education they receive. Such universal labour to be profitable can only be (to my thinking) hand-spinning and hand-weaving. But for the purposes of mv proposi- tion, it is immaterial whether we have spinning or any other form of labour, so long as it can he turned to account, Only, it will be found upon examination, that on a practical, profitable and extensive scale there is no occupation other than the processes connected with cloth production which can he introduced in our schools throughout India. The introduction of manual training will serve a double purpose in a poor country like ours. It will pay for the education of our children and teach them an occupation on which they can fall hack in after-1ife,if they choose, for earning a living. Such a system must make our children self·reliant. Nothing will demoralise the nation so much as that we should learn to despise lahour_ One word only as to the education of the heart. I do not believe that this can be imparted through hooks. It can only he done through the living touch of the teacher, And who are the teachers in the primary and even secondary schools? Arc they men and women of faith and character? Have they themselves received the education of the heart? Are they even expected to take care of the permanent element in the boys and girls placed under their charge? Ie not the method of engaging teachers for lower schools an effective har against character? Do the teachers get even a living age ? And