and Madras, because of the difficulty of the Dravidiana
about picking no Hindustani. An average Bengali can really learn Hindustani in two months if be gave ib three hours per day and a Dravidian in six months at the same rate. Neither a Bengali nor a Dravjdian can hope to achieve the same result with English in the same dime, A knowledge of English opens UD intercourse only with comparatively few English-knowing Indians* whereas a passable knowledge of Hindustani enables u* bo hold intercourse with the largest number of our countrymen. I do hope the Bengalis and the DravirHana will oome to the next Congress with a workable knowledge of Hindustani. Oar great assembly cannot be a real object lesson to tho masses unless it speaks to them in a language which the largest number can under- stand. I appreciate the difficulty with the Dravidianp, but nothing is difficult before their industrious love for the Motherland.
��Alongside . oT nay ^Tug^^on ^EouFTSicdusfcani has been the advice that bhe students should, during the transition period from inferiority to equality from foreign domination to Swaraj, from helplessness to self- help suspend their study of English. If we wish to attain Swaraj before the next Congresu, we must believe in tbe possibility, we must do all that) were capable of doing for its advancement, acid one must do nothing that would iiot advance ib or would actually retard it. Now adding to our knowledge of Eughsb caunofi accelerate our progress towards our goal aud it can conceivably retard ib, The latter calamity U a reality in many oases, for there are m*uy who believe that we cannot acquire the spirit of freedom without the IDUBIO of the
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