witness a definite attempt on the part of the physi-
cians to bring about a reunion between tbe body and the soul, Modern medical science having ignored the condi- tion of the permanent element in the human system in diagnosing diseases has ignored the limitation that should naturally exist regarding the field of its activity. In trying to cure a body of its disease it has totally disregarded the claims of sub-human creation, Man instead of being lord and therefore protector of the lower animal kingdom, has become its tyrant and the science of medicine has been probably his chief instruments for tyranny. Vivisection in my opinion is the blackest of all tbe black- est crimes that man is at present committing against God and His fair creation. We should be able to refuse lo live if the price of living be tbe torture of sentient beings. It all becomes us to invoke the blessings in our daily prayers of God, tbe Compassionate, if we in turn will nob practice elementary compassion towards our fellow-creatures. Would to God that this College found- ed by one of tbe best of Indian physicians will bear in mind tbe limitations that God, in my humble opinion, baa set upon our activity. Having said this much I would like to pay my humble tribute to tbe spirit of research that fires tbe modern scientist. My quarrel is .not against that spirit, my complaint is against the direction that the spirit has taken. It has chiefly con- cerned itself with the exploration of law and methods conducing to the merely material advancement of its clientele. But I have nothing but praise for the zeal, industry and sacrifice that have animated the modern scientists in their pursuit after truth. I regret to have to record my opinion based on considerable experience that our Hakims aod Vaids do nob exhibit) that spirit) in
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