III is only a bad workman that quarrels with bis
tools and the truest is be wbo gives the best with what he has, I would tell the principal and the professors that only one prinoiple needs guide them here, They are to teaoh lessons of freedom nob by their scholarship bub by their sterling character. They are to meet the warring devilish forces of the Government with their divine peaceful forces. We have to nurse the seed of freedom into a full-grown tree of Swaraj. May God justify my faith in you 1 I know that 1 have not the scholarship which is expected in a Chan- cellor of a University, But I have my faith which has moved me to aooepb it. I am prepared to live and die for this work ; and I aooepb this high office only because I know that the same feelings actuate you.
Now I bum to the students, I consider it a sin to blame them, because they are one mirror in which the present situation is so faithfully reflected, They are simple things and easy to read. If they lack in virtue the fault is not theirs, bub ib is that of the parents, teachers and the king, How do I find fault with the king? " Yatha-praja Tatha IUja " (as are the subjects, so is the king) is equally true as "Yabha Raja Tatha Fraja " (aa is the king so are the subject?) for a king is a king so long as his authority is respected. People are at fault and their drawbacks are mirrored in the students* and hence we must try to reform parent?, teachers and kings. Every home is a university and the parents are the teachers. The parents iu India have at present fore- gone this sacred duty. We have not been able to estimate foreign culture at Us proper value, How can we expeob India io rise with thafa borrowed culture ?
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