We had to retrace our steps and we did it in all humility.
A man who strays from his path has to retrace his steps and arrive at the same place from where he missed the way. We were taking the downward path after the Working Committee passed the resolution on Civil Disobedience but now we are climbing up.
Hut a mere recantation was not enough for me. More severe penance had to be undergone. I was seized with an immense mental pain, the moment I heard of the Gorakpur tragedy. Bodily punishment was indis- pensable to me. A fast of five days will not suffice to make up for all my errors. 1 wished a fast of fourteen days, but friends persuaded me to limit it to five. The debtor who pays his full debt in time saveo himself from future ruin. There must be no advertising of these prayaschittas. But there is a reason for my making it public. The fast is a penance for me and punishment for the culprits of Choun Chaura. Love can only punish by suffering. I warn the public by making my fast known to them. I have no other option. If any Non-Co-operator deceives me I take the whole of India to be a Non-Co-operating body- let him take away my body. I still believe that India wants my bodily existence. I warn the people by torturing my physical frame not to cheit me. If India wills it let her get rid of me by abandoning non-violence. But as long as she accepts my services she must remain non- violent and truthful. If the people will not heed this warning, I am determined to prolong this fast of five days into one of fifty and thus put an end to my life at the end of it.
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