We shall not court God's disfavour. We must pay heed to His warnings. If we had persisted in Mass Civil Disobedience at Bardoli, in spite of Gorakhpur, there would have resulted immense harm to the public cause. We would have thrown aside truth and peace. The first condition to Mass Civil Disobedience at Bardoli was perfect peace in the other parts of the country. Bardoli would have sinned if it had proceeded with the campaign in violation of our solemn pledge.
We need not feel impatient if some people ask whether such perfect peace is at all attainable. Those who argue in this strain, wish the abandonment of Satyagraha and civility. We have to keep above the reproach of uncivilly. We should constitute ourselves the trustees of India's honour and it is incombent on us to see that no unrighteous or uncivil action is done under cover of righteous or civil preten- ces. Bardoli kept peace and I maintained it. Both Bardoli and myself have done some service to the people. I think that by recanting my error, I have proved the fitness of a true servant. I am sure that the people will not lose strength but rise all the better for this confession. It is very true that God alone has rescued us from shame. I must have learnt a lesson from Madras but I did not. If a favourite of God does not take note of His warning by means of ordinary indications, the AU-Merciful warns him by flare of trumpets and beat of drums and if he does not wake up even then He makes him realise the truth by thunder-storm. We have by doing the right thing put an end to imminent danger.
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