The immediate action is not courting, imprisonment, nor even free speech and free association or free pen, but self-purification, introspection, quiet organisation. We have lost our foothold. If we do not take care, we are likely to be drowned in the waters whose depth we do not know.
If is no use thinking of the prisoners. When I heard of Chauri Chaura I sacrificed them as the first penitential act. They have gone to jail to be released only by the strength of the people, indeed the hope was the Swaraj Parliament's first act would be to open the prison gates God had decreed otherwise. We who are outside have tried and failed. The prisoners car now only gain by serving the full term of their imprison ment. Those who went under false pretences, or under any mis-apprehension or under mistaken under- standing of the movement can come out by apologising ard by petitioning, The movement will be all the stronger for the purging. The stoutest hearts will rejoice in the opportunity of unexpectedly greater in the Russian prisons for years and years, that un- happy people are not yet free. Liberty is a jilt most difficult to woo and please., We have shown the power of suffering. But we have not suffered enough. If the people in general keep passively non-violent and if only a few are actively, honestly and knowingly non- violent in intent, word and deed, we can reach the goal in quickest time with the least suffering. But we .shall indefinitely postpone the attainment, if we send to prison men who harbour violence in their breasts.
Therefore the duty of the majority in their respect- ive provinces is to face taunts, insults and if need be
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