with the Imperial Government's genuine assistance of
convincing the other powers of the justice of the Khilafat claim. And even when the claim is admitted much requires to be discussed regarding the exedu- tion.
Similarly regarding the Punjab. The principle being granted, the details have to be settled. Legal difficulties have been urged about stopping the pensions to the dismissed officials. The reader may not know that Maulana Shaukat All's pension (I suppose he occupied the same status as Sir Michael O'Dwyer) was stopped without any inquiry or previous notice to him. I believe that service regulations do provide for remov- ing officers and officials from the pensions list on proof of gross neglect of duty or disloyal service. Anyway, let the Government prove a case for refusal to grant the Punjab demand save the plea of the past services of these officials. I must refuse to weigh their service to the Empire against their disservice to India, assuming the possibility of two such things co-existing.
Swaraj scheme is undoubtedly a matter on which there will be as many minds as there are men and women. And it is eminently a thing to be debated in a conference. But here again there must be a clean mind and no mental reservations. India's freedom must be the supreme interest in every body's mind. There should be no obstruction such as the preoccupa- tion of the British elector or the indifference of the House of Commons or the hostility of the House of Lords. No lover of India can possibly take -into account these extraneous matters, The only question to consider will be is India ready for what she wants ? Or does she ask like a child for food she has no stomach
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