is no stronger than the best Mussulman. Thousandsof
nominal followers of Hinduism believe their faith and discredit it. One true and perfect follower of Hinduism is enough to protect it for all tims and against the whole world. Similarly, one true and perfect Non-Co-operator is any day better than a million Non-Co-operators so called. The best preparation for civil disobedience is to cultivate civility, that is truth and non-violence, amongst ourselves and our surroundings.
In order that all may approach the round table conference with perfect knowledge of the Congress demands, I laid all our cards on the table and reiterated the claims regarding the Khilafat, the Punjab and Swaraj. Let me repeat them here :
(1) So far as I can write from memory, full restoration to the Turks of Constantinople, Adrianople, Anatolia including Symrna and Thrace. Complete withdrawal of non-Muslim influence from Arabia, Mesopotamia, Palestine and Syria and therefore with- drawal of British troops whether English or Indian from these territories.
(2) Full enforcement of the report of the Congress Sub-committee and therefore the stopping of the pensions of Sir Michael O'Dwyer, Qeneral Dyer and other officers named in the report for dismissal,
(3) Swaraj means, in the event of the foregoing demands being granted, full dominion status. The scheme of such Swaraj should be framed by represen- tatives duly elected in terms of the Congress constitution, That means four anna franchise. Every Indian adult male or female, paying four annas and signing the Congress creed, will be entitled to be placed on the electoral roll. These electors would elect delegates wh<
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