a step. Is it no proof of the law abiding instinct of
hundreds of young men and old men that they have meekly, without offering any defence and without complaining, accepted imprisonment for having dared to exercise their elementary rights in the face of Govern- ment persecution? And so it is the Government which is to prove its genuine desire for a conference and an ulti- mate settlement. It is the Government which has to arrest the fatal course along which repression is taking it. It is the Government that is to prove to non-co-operators its bona fides before it can expect them to take part in any conference. When the Government doas that, it will find that there is an absolutely peaceful atmosphere. Non-co-operation, when the Government is not resisting anything except violence, is a most harmless thing. There is really nothing for us to suspend. We cannot be expected, until there is actual settlement or guarantee of settlement, to ask schoolboys to return to Govern- ment schools or lawyers to resume practice or public men to become candidates for the Coucils or title-holders to ask for return of titles. In the nature of things, it is therefore clear that non-co-opeators have to do nothing. -Speaking personally I can certainly say that if there is is a genuine desire for a conference, I would be the last person to advise precipitating aggressive Civil Disobe- Sience, which certainly it is my intention to do immediately I am entirely satisfied that the people have understood the secret of non-violence ; and let me say the last ten days 5 events have shown that the people seem clearly to understand its inestimable value. If then the Government recognises that non-co-operators mean business and intend to suffer limitlessly for the Attainment of their goal, let the Government uncondi-
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