they do not need, instead of giving them work whichr they sorely need. I will not commit the sin of becoming* their patron, but on learning that I had assisted in- impoverishing them, I would give them a privileged position and give them neither crumbs nor cast off clothing, but the best of my food and clothes and associate myself with them in work.
Nor is the scheme of Non-co-operation or Swadeshr an exclusive doctrine. My modesty has prevented me from declaring from the house top that the message of Non-Co-operation, non-violence and Swadeshi is a message to the world, It must fall flat, if it does not bear fruit in the soil where it has been delivered. At the present moment India has nothing to share with the world save her degradation, pauperism and plagues. Is it her ancient Shastras that we should send to t he- world ? Well, they are printed in many editions, and an incredulous and idolatrous world refuses to look at them, because! we,ithe heirs and custodians, do not live them. Before therefore I can think of sharing with the world, I must possess. Our non-co-operation is neither with the English nor with the West. Our non-co- operation is with the system the English have establish- ed, with the material civilisation and its attendant greed and exploitation of the weak. Our non-co-opera- tion is a retirement within ourselves. Our non-co- operation is a refusal to co-operate with the English administrators on their own terms. We say to them
- Come and co-operate with us on our terms, and it will
be well for us, for you and the world.' We must refuse ^to^be lifted off our feet. A drowning man cannot save others. In order to be fit to save ethers we must try to save ourselves. Indian national
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