[The Government of Bombay in a communique dated the 15th September 1921, explained their reasons for prosecuting the Ali Brothers. Mr. Gandhi, Mrs. Sarojitii Naidii, Messrs. Motilal Nehru, N. C. Kelkar, others issued the following manifesto on ^th October \ ]
In view of the prosecution of the Ali Brothers and others for the reasons stated in the Government of Bombay communique, dated the I5th September, 1921, we, the undersigned* speaking in our individual capacity^ desire to stale that it is the inherent right of every one to express his opinion without restraint about the propriety of citizens offering their services to, or remain- ing in the employ of the Government, whether in the Civil cxr th Military department.
We, the undersigned, state it as our opinion that it is contrary to national dignity for any Indian to serve as a civilian, and more especially as a soldier, under a system of Government which has brought about India's economic, moral and political degradation and which has used the soldiers and the police for repressing national aspirations, as for instance at the time of the Rowlatt Act agitation, and which has used the soldiers for crushing the liberty of the Arabs, the Egyptians, the Turks, and other nations who have done no harm to India.
We are also of opinion that it is the duty of every Indian soldier and civilian to sever his connection with the Government and find some other means of livelihood
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