non-violence whereas violence is the final fefuge of the Government. And as no energy can be created without resistance, our non-resistance to Government violence must bring the latter to a standstill. But our non- violence, to be true, must be in word, thought and^deed. It makes no difference that with you non-violence is an expedience. Whilst it lasts, you cannot consistently, with your pledge, harbour designs of violence. On the contrary, we must have implicit faith in our programme
- of non-violence which presupposes perfect accord
between thought, word and deed. I would like every Mussalman to realise, whilst the occasion for anger is the greatest, that by non-violence alone* can we gam complete victory even during this year.
Nor is non-violence a visionary programme. Just imagine what the united resolve of seven crores of Mussalmans (not to count the Hindus) must mean. Should we not have succeeded already, if all the titled men had given up their titles, all the lawyers had suspended their practice and all the schoolboys had left their schools and all had boycotted Councils ? But we must recognise that with many of us, flesh has proved too weak. Seven crores are called Mussalmans and twenty two crores are called Hindus, but only a few are true Mussalmans or true Hindus. Therefore, if we have not gained our purpose, the cause lies within us. And if ours is, as we claim it is, a religious struggle, we dare not become impatient, save with ourselves, no* even against one another.
The Brothers, I am satisfied, are as innocent as I claim I am of incitement to violence. Theirs, therefore, is a spotless offering* They have done all in their power for Islam and their country. Now, if the'Khila-
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