takes note not merely of form but also of what lies be-
hind* There is an art that kill; and an art that gives life. The fine fabric that we have impqrted from the West or the far East has literally killed millions of our brothers and sisters, and delivered thousands of oi*r dear sisters to a life of shame. True art must be evidence of happiness, contentment and purity of its authors. And if you will have such art revived in our midst, the use of Khadi is obligatory on the best of you at the present moment.
And not only is the use of Khadi necessary for the success of the Swadeshi programme but it is imperative for every one of you to spin during your leisure hours. I have suggested to boys and men also that they should spin. Thousands of them, I know, are spinning daily* But the main burden of spinning must, as of old, fall on your shoulders. Two hundred years ago the women of India spun not only for home demand but also for foreign lands. They spun not merely coarse- counts but the finest that the world has ever spun. No machine has yet reached the fineness of the yarn spun by our ances- tors. If then we are to cope with the demand for Khadi during the two months and afterwards, you must form spinning clubs, institute spinning competitions and flood the Indian market with handspun yarn. For this purr pose some of you have to become experts in spinning, carding and adjusting the spinning-wheels* This means ceaseless toil. You will not look upon spinning as a means of livelihood. For the middle class it should supplement the income of the family, and for very poor women, it is undoubtedly a means of livelihood. loving companion. But for .you who will read this
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