violence as an indispensable merfbs as well for redressing the Khilafat wrong as for attaining Swaraj.
The Moplahs are among the bravest in the land. They are God-fearing. Their bravery must be trans- formed into purest gold. I feel sure, that once they realise the necessity of non-violence for the defence of the faith for which they have hitherto taken life, they will follow it without flinching. Here is the testimony given to Moplah valour by the writer in in the "Imperial Gazetteer of India " : " The one constant element is a desperate fanaticism; surrender is unknown; the martyrs are consecrated before they go out and hymned after death !" Such courage is worthy of a better treatment* The Government dealt with it by passing, years ago, a special act against them. It has already set its machi- nery in motion for the present trouble. The Moplahs will no doubt die cheerfully. I wonder if it is possible for us to transmute their courage into the noble courage of non-violence. It may be impossible to achieve the miracle through human effort. But God is noted for His miracles* Many consider that attainment of Swaraj this year, if it is realised, must be counted a miracle. It has got to be preceded by a miraculous conversion of India, not excluding its bravest sons, to the doctrine of non-violence at least, in its restricted scope, *.e., as an indispensable condition for securing India's freedom.
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