in this view of the case that I have taken exception to the action of the Ali Brothers. Personally I love them."
The letter breathes nobility and courage, And those very qualities have led to a misapprehension of the situation. The unfortunate utterance of thii Viceroy is responsible for the misunderstanding.
The apology of the Brothers is not made to the Government. It is addressed and tendered to friends, who drew their attention to their speeches. It was certainly not given * at the biddirg of the Viceroy.* I betray no confidencs, when I say that it was not even suggested by him. As soon as I saw the speeches,! stated, in order to prove the bona fides of the Brot hers and the entirely non-violent character of the Movement, that I would invite them to make a statement. There was np question of bargaining for their freedom. Having had my attention drawn to their speeches, I could not possibly allow them to go to gaol (if I could prevent it) on the ground of proved an itenient to violence, \ have given the same advice to all the .accused, and told them that if their speeches were violent, they should certainly express tegret. A Non-Co-operator could not do otherwise. Had the Brothers been charged before a Court of Law, I would have advised them to apologise to tha Court for some of the passages in their speeches, which, in my opinion, were capable of being interpreted to mean incitement to violence. It is not enough for a Non^Co-operator not to mean violence ; it is necessary that his speech, must not be capable of a contrary interpretation by reasonable men, We must be above suspicion. The success of the move- ment depends upon its retaining its absolute purity,
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