principle has been sealed, except what needed no
negotiating on either side, wz., that there is to be no incitement to violence, I do not say that in this slate of things thero should have been no treating with the Government, though much can be said in support of that view When it was found that the game had to be played out, it would have been quite -legitimate for two such honorable adversaries as yourself and Lord Reading to agree to the rules of the game, so as to avoid foul play on either side. These rules would of rourse apply to all who took part in the game, and not to certain favoured individuals only. The most essential thing was to agree upon the weapons to be used. While certain local Governments profess to meet propaganda by propaganda, they are really using repression of the worst type. Many other similar points would, in my opinion, be proper subjects of disoussion, even when no agreement could be arrived at on the main issue.
"I hope you will not misunderstand me. I yield to none in my admiration of the sacrifices made by the Brothers, and consider it a high privilege to have their personal friends-hip. What has been preying upon my mind for some time past is, that wo, who are directly responsible for many of our workers going to gaol and suffering other hardships, are ourselves practically im- mune. For example, the Government could not possibly have devised any form of punishment, which would cause some of us more pain and mental suffering, than sending innocent boys to gaol for distributing leaflets, while the author remained free. I think the time has come, when the leaders should welcome the opportunity to suffer, and stoutly decline all offers of escape. It is
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