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I have so often called, " soul force " and soul force is not

the prerogative of one man or a Sanyasi or even a so- called saint. Soul force is the prerogative of every human b^ttg> female or male, and therefore I ask my counti)ifi6ft7 f they want to accept this resolution, to accept it with tfctf firm determination and to understand that it is inaugurated under such good and favourable auspicts as I have (fes-* cribed to you.

I;i my humble opinion, the Congress will have done the rightest thing, if it unanimously adopts this resolution. May Gcd grant that you will pass this resolution unani- mously may Gcd grant that you will also have the courage and the ability to carry out the resolution and that within one year.


[Soon after the Congress, Mr. Gandhi and the All Brothers made an extenshe tour of the country appealing to the students to give up their schc ols and colleges and join the ranks of non-co- operators. At Aligarh and Benares great efforts were made to call away 'he students frc m the Muslim and Hindu Universities, if they could not nationalise them. They Mere not quite successful though a few joined the Conguss, but in Bengal, at the instance of Messrs. C. R. Das and Jitendralal Banerjea, a large number of students flocked to their standard and deserted the schools. It was such appeals as the following that enthused the youth of Bengal who created a profound sensation by throwing themselves in their thou- sands at the steps of the Calcutta University Hall, that the few who did attend the examination had to do so by walking over their bodies. Mr. Gandhi later reproved such obstructive methods but he wrote this appeal early in January 1921 : ] Dear Young Friends :

I have just read an account of your response to the ration's call. It does credit to ycu and to Bergal. I

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