controlled can be transmuted into a power which can move
the world. To those who have been attending the Con* gress, as brothers in arms, I ask what can be better disci- pline than that which we should exercise between our- selves.
I have been told that I have been doing nothing but wreckage and that by bringing forward the resolution, I am breaking up the political life of the country. The Congress is not a party organisation. It ought to provide a platform for all shades of opinions, and a minority need not leave this organisation, but may look forward to translate itself into a majority, in course of time, if its opinion commended itself to the country. Only let no man in the name of the Congress advocate a policy with has been condemned by the Congress. And if you condemn my policy, I shall not go away from the Congress, but shall plead with them to convert the minority into a majority.
There are no two opinions as to the wrong done to the Khilafat. Mussal mans cannot remain as honourable men and follow their^ Prophet if they do not vindicate their honour at any cost. The Punjab has been cruelly, brutally treated, and inasmuch as one man in the Punjab was made to crawl on his belly, the whole of India crawled on her belly, and if we are worthy sons and daughters of India, we should be pledged to remove these wrongs. It is in order to remove these wrongs that the country is agitating itself. But we have not been able to bend the Government to our will. We cannot rest satisfied with a mere expression of angry feeling. You could not have heard a more passionate denunciation of the Punjab wrongs than in the pages of the Presidential address. If the Congress cannot wring justice from unwilling hands, how can it vindicate its existence and its honour ? How can it do so if it cannot enforce
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