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from Government. But what will hippen to law ancl orderf

We shall evolve law and o'rder through the instrumentality of these very lawyers. We shall promote arbitration courts and dispence justice, pure, simple, home-made justice, swa- deshi justice, to our countrymen. That is what suspension of practice means.


I have suggested yet another difficulcy to withd raw our children from the Government schools and to ask collegiate students to withdraw from the College and to empty want to guage the national sentiment. 1 want to know whether the Mohmedans feel deeply. If they feel deeply they will understand in the twinkling of an eye, that it is not right for them to receive schooling from a Government in which they have lost all faith ; and which they do not trust at all. How can I, if I do not want to help this Govern- ment, receive any help from that Government. 1 think that the schools and colleges are factories for making clerks and Government servants. I would not help this great factory for manufacturing clerks and servants if I want to withdraw co-operation from that Government. Look at it from any point of view you like. It is not possible for you to send your children to the schools and still believe in the doctrine of non-co-peration..


I have gone further. I have suggested that our title holders should give up their titles. How can they hold on to the titles and honours bestowed by this Government/ They were at one time badges of honour when we believed that national honour was safe in their hands. But now they are no longer badges of honour but badges of dis- honour and disgrace when we really believe that we cannot

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