we have none or because we are afraid to express it, then
naturally we await the verdict of the Congress. To those who are unable to make up their mind I say, by all means wait. But for those who have seen the clear light as they see the lights in frcnt of them, for them, to wait is a sin. The Con- gress dees not expect you to wait but it expects'you to act so that the Congress can guage properly-the national feeling. So much for the Congress.
Among the details of non-co-operation I have placed in the foremost rank the bo>cott of the councils. Friends have quarrelled with me for the U5e of the woid boycott, because I have disapproved as I disapprove even now - bc)cott of British gcods cr ai y goods for that matter. But there, boycott has its o\/vn meaning and here boycott has its own meaning. I not only do not disapprove but apprcve cf the boycott of the the councils that are going to be foimed next year. And why do I do it ? The people the masses, require frcm us, the leaders, a dear lead. They do not want any equivocation from us. The sugges- tion that \se shculd seek election and then lefuse totakethe oath of allegiance, uculd only make the i ation distiust the leaders. Jt is not a clear lead to the nation. So I say to you, my counti)men, not to fall into this trap. We shall sell our country by adopting the method of seeking election and then not taking the cath of allegiance. We may find it d fficult, aid I fiai kly confess to>cu that I have not that tjust in so many Irdians making that derlaiadon and standing by it. To-day I suggest to those who horestly hold the vie* m, that \ie shculd seek election and then refuse to take the oath of allegiance I suggest to them that they will fall into a tiap which they are preparing for themselves and for the naticn. 1 hat is my view. I hold'
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