serve a Government which does not wish to respect the
wishes of the whole people ?' I ask, is it unconstitutional for a policeman or for a soldier to tender his resignation when he knows that he is called to serve a Government which traduces its own countrymen ? Is it unconstitutional For me to go to the ' krishan,' to the agriculturist, and say to him ' it is not wise for you to pay any taxes, if these taxes are used by the Government not to raise you but to weaken you t 9 I hold and I venture to submit, thU there is nothing unconstitutional in it. What is more, I hive done every one of these things in my life and nobody has ques- tioned the constitutional character of it. 1 was in Kaira working in the midst of 7 lakhs of agriculturists. They had all suspended the payment of taxes and the whole of India was at one with me. Nobody considered that it was unconstitutional. I submit that in the whole plan of non- co-operation, there is nothing unconstitutional. But I do venture to suggest that it will be highly unconstitutional in the midst of this unconstitutional Government, in the midst of a nation which has built up its nugnificent con- stitution, for the people of India to become weak and to crawl on their belly it will be highly unconstitutional for
- he people of India to pocket every insult that is offered to
them ; it is highly unconstitutional for the 70 millions of Mohamadans of India to submit to a violent wrong done to their religion ; it is highly unconstitutional for the whole >f India to sit still and co-operate with an unjust Sovernment which has trodden under its feet the honour rf the Punjab, I say to my countrymen so long as you have i sense of honour and so long as you wish to remain the descendants and defenders of the noble traditions that lave been handed to you for generations after generatfons f t is unconstitutional for you not to n on -co-operate and un-
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