how much the country has lost by reason of amateurs hav- ing managed its battles with the serious-minded, trained and wholetime-working bureaucracy.
The critics then argue that the lawyers will starve, if they leave their profession. This cannot be said of the profession. They do at times suspend work for visiting Europe or otherwise. Of those who live from hand to mouth, if- they are honest men, each local Khilafat Com- mittee can pay them an honorarium against full time service.
Lastly, for Mahomedan lawyers, it has been suggested that, if they stop their practice, Hindus will take it up. I am hoping Hindus will at least show the negative courage of not touching their Muslim brethren's clients, even if they do not suspend their own practice. But I am sure no religiously minded Musulman will be found to say that they can carry on the fight only if the Hindu stand side by side with them in sacrifice. If the Hindus do as they must, it will be to- their honour and for the common good of both. But the MuSulmans musi go forward whether the Hindus join them or not. If it is a matter of life and death with them, they must not count the cost. No cost is too heavy for the pre- servation of one's honour, especially religious honour. Only they will sacrifice who cannot abstain. Forced sacrifice is no sacrifice. It will not last. A movement lacks sincerity when it is supported by unwilling workers under pressure. The Khilafat movement will become an irresistible force-
- hen every Musalman treats the peace terms as an indi-
vidual wrong. No man waits for others' help or sacrifice in; matters of private personal wrong. He seeks help no doubt, but his battle against the wrong goes on whether he gains help or not. If he has justice on his side, the divine law is (hat he does get help. God is the help of the helpless. When the Pandava brothers were unable to help Draupadi.
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