knew that I was invited to both the places for peaceful pur-
I left Bombay for Delhi and the Punjab on April 8 and had telegraphed to Dr. Satyapal, whom I had never meU before, to meet me at Delhi. But after passing Muttra I was served with an order piohibiting me from entering the province of Delhi. I felt that I was bound to disregard this order, and I proceeded on my jouiney. At Palwal I was served with an order prohibiting me fiom entering the Punjab and confine me to the Bombay Presidency. And I was arrested by a party of police and taken off the train at that station. The Superintendent of the Police who arrest- ed me acted with every courtesy. I was taken to Muttra by the first available train and thence by goods train early in the morning to Siwai Madhupur, where I joined the Bombay mail from Peshawar and was taken charge of by Superinterdent Bowrirg. I was discharged at Bombay on April 10.
But the people at Ahmedabad and Viramgaum and in Gujeiat generally had heard of my arrest. They became furious, shops were closed, crowds gathered, and murder, arson, pillage, wire-cutting, and attempt at dei ailment fol- lowed.
[Mr. Gandhi \\rote the following article in Young India, May, 3, 1920:]
Perhaps the best wav of answering the fears and criticism as to non-co-operation is to elaborate more fully the scheme of non-co-operation. The critics seem to ima- gine that the organisers propose to give effect to the whole scheme at once. The fact however is that the organisers
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