Gandhi's hands and though it was the joint production of all the
Commissioners it was at once conceded that Mr.Gindhi's share alike in the examination and sifting of evidence and in drawing the con- clusions was CDnsiderable. As Mr. Gandhi has stood by the findings of his committee we may here reproduce the more important portions of the Report.]
We have been oblige 1 in places to use s-rong languig r but we have used every adjective with due deliberation, If anything, we have understated the case agamst the Pan- jab Government. We recognise we have not right to ex- pect an impossible standard of correctness from the Government. In times of excitement and difficulty, any officer is prone to make mistakes in spite of b^st inten- tions. We recognise, too, that when the country is on the -eve of important changes being introiucei in the adminis- tration, and the Sovereign has made an appeal to officials and the people for co-operation, we should say nothing that may be calculated to retard progress.
But we feel that it is not possible to ignore the acts of atrocious injustice on a wholes xle scale by responsible officers, as it would nut be possible, no muter how bright the future might be, to ignore criminal acts of the people. In our opinion, it is more necessary now than ever before, that official wrong should be purged as well as the peoples. The task of working the reforms and m iking India realise her goal in the quickest time possible would well nigh be im- possible if both the people and the offi :ials did not approach it with clean hands and clean minds. If, therefore, we re- commend that the officials who have erred should be brought to justice, we dj so, not in a vindictive spirit, but in order tha" the administration of the country tmy become purified of corruption and injustice. Whilst therefore, we believe that the mob excesses in Auritsar and elsewhere
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