moned to appear before a Court, he should do so. No
defence should be offered and no pleaders engaged in the matter. If a fine is imposed with the alternative of imprisonment, the imprisonment should be accepted. If only fine is imposed, it ought not to be paid; but his pro- perty, if he has any, should be allowed to be sold. There should be no demonstration of grief or otherwise made by the remaining Stayagrahis by reason of the arrest and imprisonment of their comrade. It cannot be too often repeated that we court'imprisonment, and we may not complain of it, when we actually receive it. When once imprisoned, it is our duty to conform to all prison regulations, as prison reform is no part of our campaign at ths present moment. A Satyagrahi may not resort to surreptitious practices. All that the Satyagrahis do, can only and must be done openly.
Mr. Gandhi arrived in Bombay, on the afternoon of Wie \\ih April, having been prevented from entering the Provinces of Punjab and Delhi. An order was soon %fier served on him requiring him to confine his activi- ties within the limits of the Bombay Presidency. Having heard of the riots and the consequent bloodshed in different places \ he caused the following message to be read at all the meetings that evening:
I have not been able to understand the cause of so much excitement and disturbance that followed my detention. It is not Satyagraha. It is worse than Duragraha. Those who join Satyagraha demonstra- tions were bound one and all to refrain at ajl hazard
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