Nation to accept Satyagraha if only as a predominant factor in life, whether social or political, we need have no fear of the Bolshevic propaganda. In asking the Nation to accept Satyagraha, I am asking for the introduction in reality of nothing new- I have coined a new word for an ancient law that has hitherto mainly governed our lives, and I do prophesy that if we disobey the law of the final supremacy of the spirit over matter, of liberty and love over brute force, in a few years time we shall have Bolshevism rampant m this land which was once so holy.
On April 3, 1919, Mr. M. K. Gandhi sent the fol- lowing message from Bombay to Mr S. Kasturiranga lyengar, Editor of the Hindu, Madras ;
Just arrived; having missed connection at Secun- derabad.
Regarding the meeting at Delhi, I hope that the Delhi Tragedy will make Satyagrahis steel their hearts and the waverers to reconsider their position. I have no shadow of doubt that, by remaining true to the Pledge, we shall not only secure the withdrawal of the Rowlatt Legislation, but we shall kill the spirit of terrorism lying behind.
I hope the speeches on Sunday, the 6th April, will be free from anger or unworthy passion. The cause is too great and sacred to be damaged by exhibition of passion. We have no right to cry out against suffer ings self-invited. Undoubtedly there should be no coercion for the suspension of business or for fast.
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