not a small thing. It means a change of heart. It is an attempt to introduce the religious spirit into politics. We may no longer believe in the doctrine of tit for tat : we may not meet hatred by hatred, violence by violence, evil by evil ; but we have to make a continuous and persistent effort to return good for evil. It is of no consequence that I give utterance to these sentiments. Every Satyagrahi has to live up to them. It is a difficult task, but with the help of God nothing is impossible. (Loud Cheers.)
��[At the meeting held at the Madras Beach on the ISth March, Mr. Gandhi, in responding to the welcome, said : ]
You will forgive me for saying the few words that I want to say just now sitting in the chair, I am under strict medical orders not to exert myself, having got a weak heart. I am, therefore, compelled to have some assistance and to get my remarks read to you. But before I call upon Mr. Desai to read my remarks, I wish to say one word to you. Beware before you sign the Pledge. But if you do, you will see to it that you shall never undo the Pledge you have singed, May God help you and me in carrying out the Pledge.
[Mr. Desai, after a few words of introduction, read the following message : ]
I regret that owing to heart weakness I am unable to speak to you personally. You have no doubt attended many meetings, but those that you have been attending f late are different from the others in that at the meetings to which I have referred some immediate
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